This classic arrangement will best match a jubilee, or any other formal event. This beautiful bouquet includes 5 lilies, 3 yellow roses and 5 carnations (Mikhak Sad par).
If you want to make a special impression, this beautiful bouquet will do it for you. This arrangement includes 5 lilies, 12 white roses, 12 yellow roses and irises.
Do you wish to see a smile on her face? Present her with this charming combination of white roses and greens and white baby's breath. This bouquet includes 19 white roses.
Gazz with 30% almond nut ,10% honey and manna. coated with chocolate and packed in the golden metal box. With the "sweetest love" sentence.The best gift for all occasions.
A beautiful way to show your true friendship and care. Theses Roses was bred for Love and Passion! This arrangement contains 62 long-stem perfect red Roses.