Vibrant colors of carnations and chrysanthemums will definitely make anyone happy! This basket includes 9 red Carnations (Mikhak sad par) and 16 spray chrysanthemum (Davoodi-Minaye talaye)
What a mixture! With this selection your loved one will receive a delightful mix of beautiful chrysanthemums (Davoodi). This bouquet includes 50 mix chrysanthemums.
A lovely display of cut flowers designed and delivered in a nice basket appropriate for any occasions. This arrangement includes Gerbera, Chrysanthemum (Davoodi) and Gelayol.
An incredible presentation of elegant flowers arranged in a basket.This arrangement includes 4 Gerbera, 2 Anthurium and 15 Daisy. Flowers might be different due to regional/seasonal limitations.
A simple thoughtful assortment of fresh fruits is great gift for so many occasions. This basket contains a fine selection of apples, pears, grapes, kiwi, peaches, plums and fresh dates with a ribbon on basket. Fruit selection may vary by...