This elegant bouquet arrangement of red roses is a magnificent gift for any occassion. This arrangement includes 12 long-stem perfect red Roses and bunch of white baby's breath flowers.
A lovely display of cut flowers designed and delivered in a nice basket appropriate for any occasions. This arrangement includes Gerbera, Chrysanthemum (Davoodi) and Gelayol.
Red roses are elegantly arranged and accented with a ribbon in this beautiful spray.This arrangement includes 24 red roses. There is $5 extra delivery charge for this flower.
A timeless symbol of love and affection, red roses are the ultimate expression of feeling. Capture their heart with these beautiful red roses. This banquet includes 60 perfect Roses
This stunning flower basket is a wonderful gift for birthday, wedding or anniversary. The basket includes 2 Bird of Paradises (Sterlizia), 14 mix Lilies and 12 pink Orchid.
An incredible presentation of elegant flowers arranged in a basket.This arrangement includes 4 Gerbera, 2 Anthurium and 15 Daisy. Flowers might be different due to regional/seasonal limitations.
We have tried to design a flower that conveys sentiments of sympathy as well as reflection for those we have lost. . This basket is a combination of 30 Gelayol and 30 Chrysanthemum (Davoodi).