A timeless symbol of love and affection, red roses are the ultimate expression of feeling. Capture their heart with the vibrancy and depth of emotion contained in these beautiful red roses. This banquet includes 36 perfect Roses.
This incredible arrangement of gorgeous flowers in a wooden frame is a sure way to make everybody astonished! This arrangement includes Lilium and Gerbera. The frame size is 40 cm x 30 cm.
Brighten someone's day with this cheery collection of mixed roses and gerbera daisies. This arrangement includes 10 Mix roses, 6 Gerbera and a Free beautiful vase.
Indulge someone with this charming arrangement, an emblem of your high-style and originality. This arrangement includes 10 mix Roses and 6 mix Gerbera.
Distinctive and unique, this cheerful number is a statement of your care and refined taste. This arrangement includes 15 Lilium and 10 Orchid and one Helegoniya.
Fill a home with the aroma of freshly cut flowers on special days when you are thinking specifically of someone loved. This arrangement includes 2 Gerbera, 3 Lilium and 2 Lily (Sosan).