An exquisite looking basket in red and white colors can serve as a nice token of attention. Heart shaped box of chocolates will be a very sweet addition. This beautiful basket includes 18 red roses, 18 white roses and a box of chocolate.
Do you wish to see a smile on her face? Present her with this charming combination of white roses and greens and white baby's breath. This bouquet includes 19 white roses.
A beautiful way to show your true friendship and care. Theses Roses was bred for Love and Passion! This arrangement contains 62 long-stem perfect red Roses.
This elegant bouquet arrangement of red roses is a magnificent gift for any occassion. This arrangement includes 12 long-stem perfect red Roses and bunch of white baby's breath flowers.
Red roses are elegantly arranged and accented with a ribbon in this beautiful spray.This arrangement includes 24 red roses. There is $5 extra delivery charge for this flower.