When you can't be there to spend time with the one you adore, send your spirit along with these lovely spring bloomers. This arrangement includes 3 Lilium and 8 white Rose.
A great opportunity to bring surprise and joy to someone special to you. This basket is best for formal occasions and it includes 36 pink roses, 4 white lilies and fern.
A small bouquet of white chrysanthemums with greens nicely wrapped up will always be welcome! This arrangement includes 10 White chrysanthemums (Davoodi) and white baby's breath.
A bright-colored spring season bouquet of spray chrysanthemums of different shades is a great mood enhancer! This bouquet includes Yellow, white, pink and red spray chrysanthemum (Davoodi).
This classic arrangement will best match a jubilee, or any other formal event. This beautiful bouquet includes 5 lilies, 3 yellow roses and 5 carnations (Mikhak Sad par).